Welcome to 3DUI, Spring 2020

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Welcome to the Spring 2020 offering of 3D User Interfaces at Georgia Tech. We’ll be using Canvas (primarily for grades), Piazza for topic-based discussion (link in Canvas), Teams for more casual chat and discussion (I will add people to Teams throughout the first week), Github for course materials (this site, the assignments and samples).

Details of the resources we will use this semester include

  • this course site on github.com/3dui-class-s20, where all public course information (this site) and assignment samples will be hosted
  • github classroom, where assignments will be distributed and collected (we will collect student github.com ID’s the first week of class, to set this up)
  • canvas, where grades will be posted, along with internal-only announcements and information
  • piazza, for asynchronous discussions
  • a Teams server, for synchronous discussion and chat
  • OneNote Class Notebook (accessible via Office365), where notes from class will be posted
